I'm 32, I'm a librarian, and I only have a second.


Five Non-Librarian Blogs I Read

I never get "meme-tagged," but I'm going to just camp on to this one because I think a) it's interesting and b) it's easy.

So, here are five non-librarian blogs I read:

1. 43 Folders : I don't care if Merlin Mann is a Mac-aholic, I love his blog and all its accoutrements. This is honestly the only podcast I always listen to. 43F introduced me to GTD productivity and to the idea of getting over my personal suck, of which I have several, unfortunately.

2. The Chief Happiness Officer : reminds me that how work gets done is as important as if it gets done.

3. Slow Leadership : I'm the turtle, reinventing reference is the mountain. It's a slow, slow process.

4. Engadget : look at all the shiny things!

5. I Will Teach You To Be Rich : I have several personal finance sites that I read, but Ramit Sethi--of PBWiki fame--usually has the best links. A close tie is Get Rich Slowly. I don't have any intention of being either an entrepreneur or rich, but I'm also not planning on being elbow-deep in debt for the rest of my life. These two bloggers seem to have the right idea.

So, the blogs I read also seem to be a little peek into my mind: be productive, be the best manager I can be, keep up with the toys, and don't be poor. I will admit: while I clean out my library-related posts about once a week, I go through my "fun" blogs almost every day. I live and breathe library work, but I'm a human being, and keeping in touch with my personal needs helps keep me balanced.

All library and no fun make Whitney a dull girl.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yer missing:
