I'm 32, I'm a librarian, and I only have a second.


Refresh, Recharge

Let me tell you, I could get used to this schedule. As I'm only in on Monday and Tuesdays for a few weeks, today is Friday for me! Hooray!

Actually, I'm just not cut out to be a homemaker or a stay-at-home parent, as much as I admire and respect those who choose that path. My daughter is beautiful, and amazing, and I could spend every second of my day gazing at her, but that's not good for her or for me.

I do daydream of being able to bake for a living--I love making beautiful and tasty goodies, and Trix loves to "help"--but I don't know that I would be really happy with that. Despite years of work, I ultimately couldn't see myself making my life as a musician because I couldn't commit my existence to something so ephemeral, as much enjoyment as it would have brought me (and in theory, the audiences). Baking has that same element of frivolity.

What being away and taking a break provides me with is the space to find some perspective on what I choose to do, on being a librarian. Every day that I come in here, something I do ties into my fundamental belief that knowledge is power. Even though some days the link seems tenuous at best, it's always there. What could be better than that?

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