I'm 32, I'm a librarian, and I only have a second.


Happy Birthday to Me!

Vegas=great, even for a square like me. Recommended for all persons over the age of 21.

Tablet=toast. Apparently the hard drive went all soft on me. Estimated return date unknown.

Birthday=happy. Happy day to Krafty as well.

Blog name change=coming up after this post is done.

Finally, a little bit on why I consider myself to be Gen X but not Next Gen. I think the easiest way to do this is in a list:

(Warning to any NextGens who might read me: you will most likely find this offensive. Broad generalizations are often offensive but can be useful. Apologies in advance.)

Gen X (me): Be underemployed for a while but consistently work up into positions with decent duties and pay.
NextGen (not me): Be underemployed for a long time while refusing to move, waiting for the "perfect" job, and complaining loudly about the lack of MLS jobs.

Gen X (me): Embrace self-directed learning, using the degree as a springboard.
NextGen (not me): Demand "more" from MLS programs, including "real reference" but dear Lord, not "real catalgoing."

Gen X (me): Desire to remake the library and the library world into a more flexible, open environment. Understand that to do this, you often must move into management.
NextGen (not me): Complain loudly about problems in the profession while saying, "I never plan to be a manager."

Gen X (me): As we are used to being ignored (between the Boomers and the Millenials), develop an understanding that everyone has something to contribute, even the crazy woman who's been in tech services longer than I've been alive.
NextGen (not me): Complain (more!) about not being "heard" without having the decency to hear others.
TRUTH IN LENDING STATEMENT: This is something I believe and strive for but do not always achieve. I'm working on it.

There's more, but I think that's enough. New MLSes: avoid the excesses of NextGenness by seeing opportunity everywhere. Talk less while seeing and hearing more. And don't ever, EVER, tell someone you want to work in a medical library "because I have a lot of medical problems myself."


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