I'm 32, I'm a librarian, and I only have a second.


My Kingdom for an AccessMedicine Class Script

So, I'm in the middle of AccessMedicine Promotion Month, and I realize that if I'm supposedly teaching an "AccessMedicine Power Hour" on Friday, by golly, I probably ought to do more than stand up there and say, "Um, this is, like, um, AccessMedicine, or something."

This is where I begin to pine for a single source of librarian education resources. I know someone else out there has already done this; I'm sure their class script would be just fine for my needs. Why do each and every one of us have to continually reinvent the wheel? Gaah!

I guess I'll send a message out to MEDLIB-L and see if anyone is willing to pony up what they've got. And education librarians, I'm looking in your direction with narrowed eyes. Surely there's got to be a better way.

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