I'm 32, I'm a librarian, and I only have a second.


Revisiting My Past Life

Many of you know that I play string bass; from the time I picked it up in 5th grade until I was about 19, my one and only desire was to be a musician. As I was pretty darn good, this was an excellent possibility, but life intervened and here I am beating out my librarian blog instead. We never know what path we'll take.

However, music has been on my mind recently, and I finally took a deep breath and took my bass out of its case after almost two years of not playing. The news was not so good; the fingerboard and saddle have loosened, I have two seams open, and the neck warped a little bit. Mercifully, a local shop is going to be able to fix her up for me for a lot less than I thought.

The question then becomes, if I'm going to pay (to have it fixed), am I going to play? I've got to find a new group, make it a priority, yadda, yadda, yadda, and I just don't know if this time I'll be able to get over the ghosts of the past and just enjoy the experience of making music, at whatever level that might be.

I'm just not sure I can do that. We'll see.


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