I'm 32, I'm a librarian, and I only have a second.


12.5 Hours is Way Too Long

On a good day, I really love my work, and on a bad day, I don't hate it, so I guess I am pretty well-placed and well-adjusted as a librarian. However, yesterday I was here from 9AM to 8:30PM because I was A) on call and thus required to be in-house from 9AM to 5PM and B) scheduled to do an orientation for Health Policy and Management Students at 8PM.

Even counting blog-writing time (20 minutes), dinner (50 minutes), and Oh-My-Goodness-I-Can't-Believe-I'm-Still-Here Insaniquariam activities (30 minutes), it was still a long, long day. I had pep, energy and verve to get me through, but it is all stunningly absent this morning. So, I'm going to take a little comp time and go home to read and relax.

Oh, man, and the nerd quotient of THAT is sky-high: the librarian is going to take some time off to READ. Ha ha!

If you're interested, I'm reading a trashy but somehow compelling fantasy series by an author named Sara Douglass. I found the series by wandering randomly through the scifi/fantasy at Central Resource and picked up the second book because of it's title. I started the first one and decided to continue on.

Ahh, it should be a lovely afternoon. And I promise, I'll have my pep back for tomorrow.