I'm 32, I'm a librarian, and I only have a second.


It All Comes Down to Priorities

I was just having a little chat with myself about my lack of time and its impact on my work and life when I had a flash of insight:


My last post just castigated those librarians who spend too much time on the little things and not enough on the tasks and projects that REALLY matter to their constituents, and I am living the example today.

What I want to be doing is working on an easy way to collect and disseminate all of the information I come across for the folks in Health Policy and Management. I'm thinking blog, but I don't have access to WordPress or a similar product here at work, so I've got to use Blogger or Bloglines or ratty old email or something. I'm just not happy with my results so far.

However, we have two newish online resources at the library that need to be promoted, and so I limited myself to 30 minutes of playing with my bloggy HPM ideas, and then I swore I would move on to creating a flyer for AccessMedicine.

And that's when it hit me: my bloggy HPM ideas are mine and mine alone. No one else here can provide that service to this constituent group. We've got a couple of fantastic Assistant Librarians who can do the darned flyer for AccessMedicine.

So, I obviously need to take a hard look in the mirror and a hard look at my to-do list. How can I use my unique skills in my set amount of time to make the most impact? Or, to use my own vernacular, what's the most useful way to shake my moneymaker?


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