I'm 32, I'm a librarian, and I only have a second.


A Place to Call Our Own

This is a minor thing, really it is, but I am pleased to no end: in all of the mess with the library remodel, we were able to carve out a former study room/office to be a small, classy, cosy place to meet with each other, with faculty, or with students. It's all set now, except for a few decorative touches that I have volunteered to add (amazingly, Karen only rolled her eyes a little bit).

I have found that as we get out more and talk more with people, there are a lot of opportunities that are too big for an office but too small for a conference room. I think space really affects interaction, and a more intimate space will hopefully encourage close interaction (and if any of you are smirking over having "intimate" and "close interaction" together in a sentence, I say get yer mind out o' the gutter).

Now, if only we could get the librarians the new office furniture that's been promised...


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