I'm 32, I'm a librarian, and I only have a second.


Scenario Planning: A Postscript

I've been thinking about my scenarios and how to apply them. Personally, I think it's glaringly obvious that the way to survive all three scenarios is to embrace the concept of transferable skills. Even in the worst case scenario, those with "transferable skills" survive (and I wasn't thinking of my ability to answer a phone with nine lines, although that has come in handy a number of times).

What this makes me think is that I need to learn some programming, and sooner rather than later. There's a great post on Caveat Lector about why librarians don't code and some good reasons why they should. According to this item, I would technically count already as I can "code" MARC 21, but I'm really thinking PHP/MySQL may be the answer.

However, I absolutely do not think that transferable skills have to be technology skills. In the worst case scenario (library closes), maybe a reference manager could move to managing the help desk or hospital information, or into something like alumni relations. In the middle-of-the-road scenario (variation but no major change), this same reference manager could be looking at integrating a BI class into every introductory course taught on his or her campus. In the best case scenario (radical change), a free-thinking reference manager could be finding ways to move reference away from the desk. Roving through the cafeteria? It might work!

Finally, and any of you who read the scenarios probably realize this, but these came out to be more about scenarios for me than for libraries on the whole. To that end, it was a tremendously useful process. I don't know that I will ever be the director (here or anywhere), but I do know that I've pitched a new version of "federated" searching that pretty much exactly mirrors that in the best case scenario, and I think our users are going to LOVE it. It's what they have been asking for since I began asking them what they want. It will be long, hard work, but hopefully I'll be raising a glass to the "new catalog" in 2007 as well.


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