I'm 32, I'm a librarian, and I only have a second.


Scenario Planning: Update

I'm working on my best-case scenario, and I don't have time to finish it today, but it hinges on the following thunderbolt that nearly knocked me over on my way back from a meeting:

If I could get out of being a librarian, I could do great things for the library.

More on this later, but I didn't want to lose the thought.



Anonymous said...

Define "being a librarian". (It's a thought experiment).

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear more about this. We're struggling w/ our "liaison" roles vs our unit roles here. As in, does your work as a dept. or school liaison trump your role as a member of the ref team, or instruction team, etc? For me, yes. For others (like my supervisor), no. Your "thunderbolt" perfectly sums up the dilemma. I'd be happy to discuss further...